Early career
Herve CAUSSE obtained his master degree in 1987 (University Montpellier III, Faculty of law) and a PhD in Commercial law in 1991. This work (Negotiable instruments, Essay for a « negotiable contract », ed. Litec) was remarked and supported by the French central depository (SICOVAM, now EUROCLEAR France), and the French Stock Market Place gave him his annual Price.
He was appointed assistant professor at University of Reims-Champagne until 2003 where he founded a research team, agreed by the French Minister Of Research, to work about investment and « heavy contrats ».
He was the same year appointed Professor of law by President Jacques CHIRAC. He works now with Dean Jean STOUFFLET, the best specialist of banking law since forty years.
Since 1986, Prof. H. CAUSSE has published more than one hundred articles, especially in the field of financial, contract and theorical law. He began his career of author with an analysis of commercial paper French law (1986). His last research identifies causes of the financial crisis using private law method and concepts with it
He will present a part of his research in march 2010 in an international workshop at the … OECD, the well known international organization, in Paris; he will appreciate the reality of the international financial reform and governance.
By main studies, Professor H. CAUSSE warned that banks worked without considering client’s interest [l’investisseur, 2003 – obligation d’information financière, 2004] and interests conflicts under the authority of a regulator which is also a counsel of banks and big companies.
He mainly discovered a discussed « contrat negociable », dematerialization, market, financials assets, investor, investment, globalization.
His research involves economics, sociologic and politics considerations. The difficulty is not today to give a place; on the contrary, the difficulty is to recognize a real place for law and for the art ! Therefore, one of the main problem is today to identify the nature and characters of the new rules, inspired or made by internationals summits, meetings and agreements. Specially, Professor H. CAUSSE examines
What is a financial reform without lawyers and only led by economists? In Europe, how can we build news and technical rules without them ? … Without considering law ?
Banking and financial law are not as special as it is often said. So Prof. H. CAUSSE works also on several fields, like injury, consumers’ problems, private security… to have a real frame of law.
Direction of research
As a director of research, he supervised several students who obtain a Ph. D of law, especially in business law.
You can find more than 300 hundreds publications there:
Herve CAUSSE obtained his master degree in 1987 (University Montpellier III, Faculty of law) and a PhD in Commercial law in 1991. This work (Negotiable instruments, Essay for a « negotiable contract », ed. Litec) was remarked and supported by the French central depository (SICOVAM, now EUROCLEAR France), and the French Stock Market Place gave him his annual Price.
He was appointed assistant professor at University of Reims-Champagne until 2003 where he founded a research team, agreed by the French Minister Of Research, to work about investment and « heavy contrats ».
He was the same year appointed Professor of law by President Jacques CHIRAC. He works now with Dean Jean STOUFFLET, the best specialist of banking law since forty years.
Since 1986, Prof. H. CAUSSE has published more than one hundred articles, especially in the field of financial, contract and theorical law. He began his career of author with an analysis of commercial paper French law (1986). His last research identifies causes of the financial crisis using private law method and concepts with it
He will present a part of his research in march 2010 in an international workshop at the … OECD, the well known international organization, in Paris; he will appreciate the reality of the international financial reform and governance.
By main studies, Professor H. CAUSSE warned that banks worked without considering client’s interest [l’investisseur, 2003 – obligation d’information financière, 2004] and interests conflicts under the authority of a regulator which is also a counsel of banks and big companies.
He mainly discovered a discussed « contrat negociable », dematerialization, market, financials assets, investor, investment, globalization.
His research involves economics, sociologic and politics considerations. The difficulty is not today to give a place; on the contrary, the difficulty is to recognize a real place for law and for the art ! Therefore, one of the main problem is today to identify the nature and characters of the new rules, inspired or made by internationals summits, meetings and agreements. Specially, Professor H. CAUSSE examines
What is a financial reform without lawyers and only led by economists? In Europe, how can we build news and technical rules without them ? … Without considering law ?
Banking and financial law are not as special as it is often said. So Prof. H. CAUSSE works also on several fields, like injury, consumers’ problems, private security… to have a real frame of law.
Direction of research
As a director of research, he supervised several students who obtain a Ph. D of law, especially in business law.
You can find more than 300 hundreds publications there: